Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

apa manfaat daun dewa

apa manfaat daun dewa 've never heard the name of god leaves ? The leaves are shaped and look like ordinary plants that grow tall grass is a plant with a myriad of benefits , you know. Let's explore more about this plant .

As described manfaatdaunobat.blogspot.com , plant height can reach about 50 cm . Stems and leaves are fused , dark green , with stems that grow rapidly with age . Leaves elongated ovoid shape with curves that are not sharp , but pointy toes . Long leaves of the gods can reach 8-20 cm by 5-10 cm wide . This leaves originally from West Sumatra and is known as san qi cao in China .

According deherba.com , pharmacological effects of these leaves is to improve blood circulation , resolve bruises , inflammation , swelling , anti-pain , and lower bad cholesterol . Active compound contained in the leaves of the gods are flavonoids , monoterpenes , and sesquiterpene lactones , which are all known to suppress the growth of carcinogenic compounds in the body .

Some of the diseases that can be treated with regular consumption of leaf god is stroke , arthritis , diabetes , coronary heart disease , hypertension , cancer , dengue fever , tumors . For application topically , is able to overcome the god leaves scars stitches , open wounds ( due to accidents and so on ) , black spots on the face and venomous animal bite wound .

Many people are also taking advantage of the leaves of the gods to maintain a healthy weight by eating it raw like fresh vegetables , because the taste of fresh leaves .

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